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Who We Are

Castalia Press was originally created by Constantine whilst exploring the options of self-publishing his own work as C Enyo.


After understanding the extent to which most self-publishing sites and POD services profited off of amateur writers with false promises, he decided to create his own publishing label before gaining the experience and confidence to consider pursuing the long and windy road of knocking on the doors of the large globally established publishing houses.


Since then, Castalia Press has been offering other writers the necessary tools to get started without being trapped into unfair contracts or undergoing large costs without reward. 





Our Mission

Getting published is no easy task. Nor is every aspiring writer ready to be published when they begin their literary journey.


However, in an internet world of online communities across social networking platforms, amateurs are no longer isolated to the confinements of their rooms and small writing desks.


So, whether with a long-term aim to become professional writers or simply hobbyists, we understand every writer's need for the right tools to express themselves accordingly.


With this in mind, Castalia Press aims to aid writers according to their individual needs and goals.  


In collaboration with the American poetry society Poetry Train, Castalia Press in 2020 has now opened its doors to begin full digital publishing of amateur poets without withholding royalty rights.

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